automatic backup server issue
I was trying to set the backup server for my data, but it didn't back up anything in the file
root@meesk2014:~# mkdir ~/backups/
mkdir: cannot create directory `/root/backups/': File exists
root@meesk2014:~# rsync -ahvz root@meesk2014:~/public ~/backups/public_orig/ receiving incremental file list
sent 12 bytes received 44 bytes 37.33 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
root@meesk2014:~# rsync -ahvz –delete --link-dest=~/backups/publicorig root@meesk2014:~/public ~/backups/public$(date -I)
receiving incremental file list
--link-dest arg does not exist: ~/backups/public_orig
sent 15 bytes received 47 bytes 124.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
anyone help me with this
Thanks in advance