What can you do with a Linode 1GB?

I started out with a Linode512 for $20 which is now a Linode 2GB, still for $20.

I use it as a LEMP for several personal sites including Wordpress blogs (optimized, W3 Total Cache). Total number of visitors per month is less than 10,000.

Even if I add a couple of sites and the number of visitors triples, quadruples or even increases tenfold that should be no problem whatsoever.

  • Question 1: A Linode 1GB LEMP, properly configured, should be able to handle up to a 100,000 visitors per month, right?

Because that is what I have in mind: downgrade my LEMP from a Linode 2GB to a Linode 1 GB. And use the $10 saved for an extra Linode 1GB for setting up an owncloud server, maybe in combination with a svn or git server.

  • Question 2: For personal use that should suffice I think (except for storage space)?

  • Question 3: Due to lack of time I haven't upgraded to SSD yet, (so I cannot see the information) but can you still buy extra storage?


1 Reply

1) Yep assuming even distribution. The number of visitors per month isn't really a factor you need to consider it's the number of concurrent users. 100k evenly distributed is 2.3 per minute. You also need to consider what your app does, in your case wordpress should be fine.

2) Yep

3) Yep but you might as well upgrade your node it'll be more cost effective. $10 gets you 10GB where the extra $10 to upgrade to a 2GB would get you 24GB.


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