Possible UFW issue


I have a server that just servers http content, (LA, no MP).

I have UFW set to only allow ports 22, 80, and 123.

Fail2Ban is installed, login from root disallowed, my login is with keyfile.

In the logwatch report, I am seeing entries for ports that should be blocked:

Unmatched Entries

message repeated 5 times: [ Failed password for root from port 1888 ssh2] : 1 time(s)

message repeated 5 times: [ Failed password for root from port 4519 ssh2] : 1 time(s)

message repeated 5 times: [ Failed password for root from port 4461 ssh2] : 1 time(s)

message repeated 5 times: [ Failed password for root from port 3454 ssh2] : 1 time(s)

message repeated 5 times: [ Failed password for root from port 4574 ssh2] : 1 time(s)

What am I missing?

If those ports are blocked by UFW, why am I seeing failed login attempts for those ports?

If I test for open ports remotely, I show that they are filtered and not open, as I would expect.

I am not overly concerned, because they are getting stopped by Fail2Ban, and I am the only one with the keyfile, but still this doesn't seem right.

Any assistance on what might be going on is appreciated.



2 Replies

Those will be the source ports

I didn't think about those being on the source end.

Thank you.



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