Private networking on Linode


I am considering getting some VPS's at Linode.

However, I was wondering what are the options for private networking.

Is it for example possible to use one VPS as a firewall, with one public interface, one private interface for DMZ, one interface for internal lan?

And can you then put other VPS's in these private networks and let them talk to each other?

Also: does every VPS come by default with a public ip included (and thus you pay for it), or can you choose to get VPS's without public IP's?

I was also wondering, can you install custom distro's in Linode VPS's? For example, what if i wanted to install pfsense on that firewall VPS with the dmz and internal interface?

Thanks in advance for any info you can give me!

1 Reply

Every Linode comes with a public IP. There is no explicit private network, but it's possible to set one up yourself. Traffic between Linodes is not billed if you use a private IP (which you need to add to your linode manually))for IPv4, or for any traffic between linodes on IPv6 (which is enabled by default, I believe). You can then either use firewall rules to block traffic except between your linodes (trusting in Linode's internal network to prevent spoofing), or use secure tunnels to create a virtual VLAN.

I'm not sure that there's much value in a firewall-only linode, since you're not really offloading much load by doing that.

You can definitely set up custom distros, I believe these are the correct instructions for doing that: … stro-howto">

Keep in mind, however, that pfsense is not a Linux distribution (it's FreeBSD), and as such won't run reliably on linodes (people have gotten it running, but it's unstable).


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