How to deploy a web service on linode


I have a java web service (war file) I want to deploy on one of my linode machines. Can you give me advice on how to go about doing so?

  • What additional software do I need to install and how? (At the moment, I have apache only)

  • In which folder should I put the war file, web.xml, etc?

Thanks in advance for your help! I'm a newbie at this and can really use some direction.

  • CuriousMachine

3 Replies

Do Linode have datacenters on Venus yet?

Edit: I'm not totally being an ass, I honestly have no clue what you're referring to. Various google searches haven't helped either.

Sorry, I realize the confusion :)

Venus is the name of one of the linodes that I have. I meant to ask "how to deploy web service on a linode machine"?

Look up Apache Tomcat

I have zero experience with it but that's what you need to do java WAR files


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