SMTP broken after upgrade - "excessive recursion"


I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04.4 LTS, and now sendmail doesn't send out messages.

In my mail.err log I'm getting lots of the following lines:

Jun 9 02:39:03 scssi sm-mta[26455]: s596d2oY026455: SYSERR(root): rewrite: excessive recursion (max 50), ruleset canonify

Is it a matter of the wrong /etc/hostname perhaps?

pease help

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

(bump) Anyone have the slightest idea? Please help; server crippled by this !

You've provided almost zero details, is it any wonder people don't want to play 20 questions?

Wild guess, virtusertable refers to user/domain that does not exist


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