Glued NS Records

I was trying to use my domain as glued NS (already configured) however, when I add my own glued NS records, it works, but it wont let me delete the linode's NS records..

Any advice on getting that to work as I wanted? I am currently using digitalocean's free DNS until linode's NS records can be removed here.



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I was trying to use my domain as glued NS (already configured) however, when I add my own glued NS records, it works, but it wont let me delete the linode's NS records..

Any advice on getting that to work as I wanted? I am currently using digitalocean's free DNS until linode's NS records can be removed here.



I don't believe the Linode DNS manager UI or API allows removing the Linode nameservers from master zones (for slave zones they will just accept whatever zone data you provide). On the other hand, it doesn't really make sense to remove the Linode nameservers if you are using the Linode nameservers.


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