Bandwidth use within the same Linode DC?


If I move data around within the same Linode DC do I still use up my bandwidth quota? I want to do some processing between two node in the same DC but don't want to run out of bandwidth quota when the traffic is 'local'

Does all traffic eat my quota even with the same DC?


8 Replies

If you use IPv6 or private IPv4 IPs, the traffic is free. If you use your public IPv4 IP, it will count against your quota.


If you use IPv6 or private IPv4 IPs, the traffic is free. If you use your public IPv4 IP, it will count against your quota.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Does that mean I MUST add a private IP to both servers then?

I just did a test using the 85.x.x.x addresses and it did not seem to change my quota?

eg; 85.xx transfer to 85.xx (so all internal to DC)

Maybe the measurement is done at a gateway router rather than within the DC?


Does that mean I MUST add a private IP to both servers then?
It's either that or use IPv6.


I just did a test using the 85.x.x.x addresses and it did not seem to change my quota?

eg; 85.xx transfer to 85.xx (so all internal to DC)

Maybe the measurement is done at a gateway router rather than within the DC?
No, you paid for that. It probably just takes a few moments for the meter on the website to update.


I just did a test using the 85.x.x.x addresses and it did not seem to change my quota?

eg; 85.xx transfer to 85.xx (so all internal to DC)

Maybe the measurement is done at a gateway router rather than within the DC?
No, you paid for that. It probably just takes a few moments for the meter on the website to update.

You're right! Just got the bill :-)

If I use private IP V4 then I have a routing problem to solve, routing between the two private IPs.

If I go IPV6 it will sort it out for me will it?


If I use private IP V4 then I have a routing problem to solve, routing between the two private IPs.

If I go IPV6 it will sort it out for me will it?
IPv6 will Just Work (assuming your software supports it).

For a private IPv4 address, you'll have to press the button in the manager, and configure it, but then it will Just Work, too.

I'm not sure what you mean about routing.



If I use private IP V4 then I have a routing problem to solve, routing between the two private IPs.

If I go IPV6 it will sort it out for me will it?
IPv6 will Just Work (assuming your software supports it).

For a private IPv4 address, you'll have to press the button in the manager, and configure it, but then it will Just Work, too.

I'm not sure what you mean about routing.

I am all sorted on IP v6 thanks!

By routing I meant that one machine is, the other is say, so I would need a gateway for 192.168.1 to 192.168.2

Or can I just to it all at layer 2, with one machine and the other

I am happy with IPv6 but just wanting to learn and I only started on Linode about one hour ago :-)

Thanks again for your patience!




If I use private IP V4 then I have a routing problem to solve, routing between the two private IPs.

If I go IPV6 it will sort it out for me will it?
IPv6 will Just Work (assuming your software supports it).

For a private IPv4 address, you'll have to press the button in the manager, and configure it, but then it will Just Work, too.

I'm not sure what you mean about routing.

I am all sorted on IP v6 thanks!

By routing I meant that one machine is, the other is say, so I would need a gateway for 192.168.1 to 192.168.2

Or can I just to it all at layer 2, with one machine and the other

I am happy with IPv6 but just wanting to learn and I only started on Linode about one hour ago :-)

Thanks again for your patience!

You'll have to set up both nodes with private IPv4 addresses, and configure them, but then it'll also just work. Linode handles that with going from to without you having to think about it.

Maybe read this: … interfaces">


By routing I meant that one machine is, the other is say, so I would need a gateway for 192.168.1 to 192.168.2

Or can I just to it all at layer 2, with one machine and the other

I am happy with IPv6 but just wanting to learn and I only started on Linode about one hour ago :-)
lakridserne already answered what matters – it all works automagically, no extra gateway -- but private IPs would just use layer two. They're all on the same /17.

(In fact, even if you get multiple public IPv4 IPs from totally different ranges, you still only use one gateway. I'm not quite sure how that works. Definitely magic.)

Edit: For some reason, I felt like double-checking how private IPv4 IPs work:

2014-06-04 11:43:54.357835 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 28
2014-06-04 11:43:54.358218 ARP, Reply is-at f2:3c:91:70:fd:08, length 46


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