General feelings on Archlinux within Linode?

Currently a relatively large Arch user for personal machines/servers. I vaguely recall Archer's having a rough time in the past getting arch running on a Linode even though it was a distro that was officially supported.

Is this still the case? Bout to update my existing linode to something a bit more modern since my old one is.. ancient ubuntu server that isn't updateable. :P



3 Replies


My last experience installing Arch Linux was about a month ago and that was on a new Linode. It wasn't too bad, I only had to initialize the pacman keyring and update the archlinux-keyring package, if I recall correctly. I then updated the rest of it and it worked without any errors, since there haven't been any upgrades that produce conflicts in the last year or so.




My last experience installing Arch Linux was about a month ago and that was on a new Linode. It wasn't too bad, I only had to initialize the pacman keyring and update the archlinux-keyring package, if I recall correctly. I then updated the rest of it and it worked without any errors, since there haven't been any upgrades that produce conflicts in the last year or so.


This. Currently running Arch on my Linode; no issues so far.

The image (AMI) building process for Amazon seems different from the rest… Any idea what the real differences are for someone looking to automate image building?

I was hoping to build fresh images like one can do for EC2 like this:

How different would that be on Linode?


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