E-mail Solution

I've spent the last 6 hours trying to get e-mails working on my server. I run a linode to host a couple of websites. I was running Ubuntu 12.04 and had everything working using this guide: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-serve … spconfig-3">http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-12.04-lts-apache2-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3 (Ubuntu 12.04). I've now upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 using this guide and I can't regret the move more. Worse, I didn't have backups enabled for my Linode at the time.

I've reversed the steps for E-mail setup from HowToForge and tried to use this instead: http://www.krizna.com/ubuntu/setup-mail … ntu-14-04/">http://www.krizna.com/ubuntu/setup-mail-server-ubuntu-14-04/

Still no luck. This is my topic here requesting help: https://forum.linode.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11024

At this stage, I'm frustrated and fed up. I'm looking for an e-mail solution that works. One that you use and can recommend for a noob. I wouldn't mind rebuilding the server with a different distro just to get e-mails working. I'm open to any ideas. Thanks for any help.

1 Reply

I'm currently using FastMail, which has been pretty good so far. Decent web UI, solid IMAP support, LDAP and XMPP servers, and a relatively trivial cost. It's lacking full IPv6 support, but other than that, it's everything I've wanted in an e-mail solution.


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