Longview for Apache - Error


Oh no!

The Apache module for Longview has been successfully installed on your system, but there was a problem collecting data from Apache:

> Unable to access local server status for Apache at 500 Can't connect to http://www.

You'll need to resolve this issue before we can collect data about Apache. The following guide has troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the issue:

Longview for Apache - Troubleshooting


I tried the above guide, but no luck.

8 Replies

due to the above error message, the size of longview.log file is increasing day by day. please help me resolve the issue.

You ought to be using log rotation to deal with that.

With regard to fixing the Apache module: what happens when you try to run the following from your Linode:

curl ''

  • Les

I am getting this:-

<title>301 Moved Permanently</title>

# Moved Permanently

The document has moved [here](http://www. .

* * *

<address>Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address>

So you've got Apache configured to redirect where it shouldn't be. You'll need to fix that.


So you've got Apache configured to redirect where it shouldn't be. You'll need to fix that.

Sorry, I don't know how to fix it. Please help me.

For your information, I have hosted 3 websites in my linode. In which 2 are wordpress and 1 is phpBB. I have installed "Redirection" plugin in wordpress only. Should I provide .htaccess files?



Sorry to hijack this thread but I'm getting an internal error instead after the curl command.. thoughts? thanks!

> Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error.
in apache log

This happen because you have virtual hosts enabled in your Apache and most probably you disable the default site. What you are seeing in the curl output is the html code of your first virtual host. If you run this command, will enable the default site.

sudo a2ensite default

You probably will see the "It Works!" page, if you didn't create a homepage for the default site. After that, run again the curl command and you will be able to see the server-status output.

curl ''

Hope helps, it worked for me. 8)


Sorry to hijack this thread but I'm getting an internal error instead after the curl command.. thoughts? thanks!

> Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error.
in apache log

Please make a new thread rather than hi-jack this one. Thank you.


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