Client-side vs Server-side spam/anti-virus filtering

Here's my situation: I'm running a Linode 64 for myself. I use Mozilla's email client exclusively. No one but me is going to check email on this account.

So my question is this: would it be more hassle to setup an antivirus/antispam solution on my Linode, even though memory is a premium? Or should I just setup something on my PC and filter it as I receive it?

1 Reply

Here's what I do to stop all exe files (ie viruses):

Install postfix - its very easy.

In add:

mimeheaderchecks = regexp:/etc/postfix/mimeheaderchecks.regexp

In mimeheaderchecks.regexp:

/^\sContent-(Disposition|Type).name\s=\s"?(.+.(lnk|do|vxd|asd|hlp|ocx|reg|bat|c[ho]m|cmd|exe|dll|vxd|pif|scr|hta|jse?|sh[mbs]|vb[esx]|ws[fh]|wmf|xl))"?\s*$/ REJECT For security reasons emails with ".$3" attachments are not accepted by this server


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