
I've been trying to get an answer on upgrading from a 64 to a 128 account since Saturday. I've emailed support and service and opened a trouble ticket and heard nothing back. It appears that caker is around since it says he last visted the forum at 3:52pm today.

Anyone know why there would be such a delay on this?


1 Reply

Yeah, to my dismay, I discovered POPFile (anti-spam software) ate maybe 2 weeks worth of emails, seemingly random as to which it marked as spam (which subsequently would get deleted). I've trained POPFile for almost a year and have been very comfortable with the results, but something's thrown it off lately – so now I'm no longer using it.

I have responded to your ticket that you opened this afternoon.

If anyone else has sent an email to and hasn't received a response, please send again. I'm now eye-balling every mail that comes in.

Thanks, and sorry for the delays.



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