Permissions help


I am trying to finish migrating to a new SSD server, I also upgraded from Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04, but I don't think that has anything to do with my issue.

I have some Perl scripts in folders under the /home/myusername

These scripts create images using imagemagick for weather, run via crontab as the user.

They write to folders under /var/www

I am having issues with some of of the folders, images are not being written. I am in the process of updating the scripts so they give me better feedback as to issues like this, but I am not quite there yet.

Everything is running fine on the old server, but I think in the process of setting the old server up, I changed the way I did permissions. I've tried to set file permissions the same for all the different folders, but still have an issue.

I do not log in as root.

On the new server I created a "webmasters" group, and my username is part of that group. I updated all the files in /var/www to reflect me as the owner and webmasters as the group.

I am at a loss, as I have been banging my head on this fore several days now.

I am not sure where else to check, as everything seems to have the same permissions from old server to new.

Maybe I am going about the permissions the wrong way, or maybe there is a better way?

If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.



1 Reply

Do you have the actual error you're getting? What are the permissions on each system? What user & group were you using on your old server? What user is running the scripts? Are you using Apache or nginx? Without basic information we can't do anything but guess. Help us help you by providing some detailed information.

Don't dismiss your change from 13.10 to 14.04 out of hand. Have you checked any of the release info about 14.04 or checked the Ubuntu forums?


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