Zimbra 6 on CentOS 5

Would like to host web-mail for our clients, to allow support of multiple mail domains.

Need to be able to re-brand client access at the group (customer) level.

Would calendering work at the group level? Most "customers" would be less than 100 seats.

How difficult to configure and maintain?

4 Replies

I've never used Zimbra, but a general note: If you're building a new server, C5 is not the best option; use C6 because it has a longer life time. Only use C5 if this is a pre-existing server.

This was only suggested because of the https://library.linode.com/email/zimbra … a-centos-5">https://library.linode.com/email/zimbra/install-zimbra-centos-5 installation directions found here. Is there instructions for centos 6?

We have a Zimbra email server (we use the free version, ver. 8.0.4). It has a lot of nice features but it is a resource hog.

I'm not sure about the paid version, but the free version is limited to 100 accounts (which includes one gsync account per domain).


How difficult to configure and maintain?
Running a email server these days is a real PITA.

Running it for numerous organizations, keeping spam out, keeping your clients from being spammers is even worse.

Why would you want to do this?

You can't compete with the big boys, and the VPS, Application, Admin Time costs will eat up any potential profit.

Farm it out and charge your clients Admin time to manage/maintain/train.


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