PHPBB3 not working correctly

I have a LAMP installed and I followed the phpbb3 guide here

~~[" target="_blank">]( … e-pangolin">](

I can access the forum from

I am curious what I need to do to drop the /phpbb/ and have the forum show up with just entering

Do I need to move the file into my /home/xxxx/xxx file, its currently in /etc/

or do I need to edit the in the apache2.conf file. Any help or criticism will be appreciated.


2 Replies

I can't access your domain (it never responds), so you'll probably want to fix that first ;-)

This should help you with running your phpbb forum from your website's root directory: … &t=2208966">

Good afternoon,

I was able to remedy the solution shortly after your departure from the irc; The problem is that apache is serving from /var/www and apt installs the files into /usr/share (for obvious reasons). The guide that you mentioned has you create a symlink against the /usr/share/phpbb3/www to /var/www/phpbb. The steps that i took to produce the desired environment are as follows, Note this is not recommended if you host other content from within /var/www and are solely using the machine as a turnkey phpbb solution. .

First we unlink the symlink created in the tutorial:

$> unlink /var/www/phpbb

Next we verify that we aren't hosting anything else from that particular location

$> ls -lisa /var/www

This should return a single file named index.html, if it doesnt you'll want to stop here to avoid harming any other content hosted by the machine.

Now we will go ahead and remove the directory identified as the web root (/var/www);

$> rm -rf /var/www

After this we recreate the original symlink, only we give it the path /var/www

$> ln -s /usr/share/phpbb3/www /var/www

Once we are finished we restart apache and confirm that our changes have taken effect

$> service apache2 restart

If you run into any issues or you find that you are hosting content other than the phpbb forum you will either want to branch that content into a sub directory, or create a full vhost configuration for the phpbb directory


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