wrong ownership php5-fpm sockets
2014/05/10 21:50:02 [crit] 1329#0: *39 connect() to unix:/var/run/fpm.boost.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:
I looked at /var/run folder and saw all the fpm sockets were root:root.. it should be owned by username:www-data (based on pool.d conf file).. I am not sure where to fix that permission issue.. I can issue chown and get the site back up running until php-fpm is restarted.
Im running Ubuntu 14.04 with:
PHP 5.5.12-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 (cli) (built: May 8 2014 21:09:59)
nginx version: nginx/1.7.0
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