CPU Steal & the new Linodes
This post is just to note some oddness with CPU steal … going beyond the discussion in the comments to the blog post that announced the new SSD-backed product range.
In short, where before we had CPU steal, now we have almost nothing recorded as CPU steal but the total amount of CPU recorded no longer adds up to a multiple of 100%. So instead of CPU steal we have missing CPU
The old 32-bit Linode (7 days - check out the CPU steal):
~~![](<URL url=)
The new 64-bit Linode (24h since the migration: notice CPU no longer adds up to a multiple of 100%):
~~![](<URL url=)
Overall we're happy but {i} this does seem odd and {ii} it would be interesting to know if anyone else is seeing this.~~~~
2 Replies
Performance is stellar, no complaints.