Dealing with linode data centre being down - going multi DC


We have been having a lot of trouble with the newark DC over the past few months due to DoS attacks. Linode does not seem to have any easy way to go DC such as fail over ip's or different availability zones in the same DC. Does anyone have any good ideas how to go multi DC with Linode, or do we need todo DNS fail over which can be slow.


3 Replies

You could probably use something like a distributed reverse proxy service; if DC goes down, switch IP the proxy service connect to. CloudFlare for example, offers such a thing (with some additional bells and whistles.) You have to trust that THEY stay up, however. Alternatively, just migrate permanently to a less troubled Linode DC ;-)


Some of the recent attacks at Linode has been on infrastructure like the local dns resolvers. Those kinds of failures are generally quite easy to plan around. For example, my nodes run a local unbound resolver/forwarder, which is set up to fail over to local resolving if the upstream resolvers gets sad, adding some robustness.


Those kinds of failures are generally quite easy to plan around. For example, my nodes run a local unbound resolver/forwarder, which is set up to fail over to local resolving if the upstream resolvers gets sad, adding some robustness.

That sounds really useful. Are you open to sharing your config files?

As a note, if you're using CloudFlare, you're also (by definition) using their DNS servers.


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