How to upgrade?

I would like to upgrade my Linode 64 to a 96. I thought you were supposed to open a Support Ticket for this, but I haven't heard anything. How can I do this?

7 Replies


I would like to upgrade my Linode 64 to a 96. I thought you were supposed to open a Support Ticket for this, but I haven't heard anything. How can I do this?

You have to open a support ticket on your account.

This is the usual method for upgrading - I'd recommend waiting for a bit longer to see if Chris has been sorting stuff out, or giving him a quick call :)

When I went from 64 to 96 it took a few days for Chris to get all the scripts set up for the migration.


You can only upgrade if there is a linode available, at the momment there arnt any, so you will be in a list, to upgrade as soon as one becomes available.


OK that's cool, there were 3 available when I filled out the ticket, but I can wait a bit.


I've just setup your migration to the Linode 96 slot that opened.



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