Linode at host11 is unreachable


my linode ( at is unreachable (100% load) and is not possible to reboot it from Linode Control Panel.

I've entered two jobs asking for a system reboot and more than 1 hour latter they are still in queue.

Is there any problem?

Thanks in advance,

7 Replies

Someone must be in swapping hell or something

my linode is barely functional

At first I thought it was me, however a quick check with vmstat 1 showed that it wasn't me.

Bill Clinton

I'm unable to log on the console. Lish does not work.

Does host11 run a 2.6 kernel?

If so, this is kind of disappointing. I was hoping that 2.6 would somehow magically alleviate the disk starving problems that have been happening on host5 (although it's rarely as bad as you are indicating the load on host11 currently is).

If there was only some way to fairly share I/O in addition to CPU. I think that this is the #1 thing which would improve Linode performance (overall). Why can't I/O be scheduled as fairly as CPU is??? If two Linodes want to use 100% of the CPU each, they will both get 50%. But it seems like a single Linode can use close to 100% of the I/O of the system without being throttled back when others need it …

My screen shows host11 is pretty high CPU usage right now. Having tough time with the console myself. Must be my text MUD hogging all the CPU bandwidth.. :D

That's pretty funny. I was able to shutdown via ssh connection, but my reboot job in the web panel is stuck in queue.


My screen shows host11 is pretty high CPU usage right now. Having tough time with the console myself. Must be my text MUD hogging all the CPU bandwidth.. :D

There is a very very small chance your MUD was the cause of the problems. CPU demands don't effect the system as much as I/O hogs do.

Bill Clinton


That's pretty funny. I was able to shutdown via ssh connection, but my reboot job in the web panel is stuck in queue.

This is also my problem!


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