Odd Apache2 behavior


I saw this strange load today on the Apache screen in Longview for one of my sites that starts around 9:00am:

~~![](<URL url=)http://ds-feed.info/images/public/oddtraffic.png" />

The number of requests and throughput seem to be the same, but for some reason the number of workers sending and waiting has gone way up.

The dip around 12:00 is because I tried restarting Apache to see if that helped, it didn't.

The only changes to the server recently are standard updates.

It's a 2048 Linode running Ubuntu 13.10 - everything else seems to be running as normal.

Almost all of the accesses are from Digital Signage players, the web load is pretty steady 24/7, there really are not any major fluctuations like a normal website. A quick check of the logs does not really show any extraneous traffic.

Any one have any suggestions as to what might be going on?

Thanks as always!


1 Reply

Try running nethogs. iptraf and and iotop are useful too, for iotop you might want to supply -n to suppress DNS lookups to reduce output clutter. Also, those charts are too foofo for me, I like the plain charts, non-Longview, just personal opinion.


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