UML suspend support?


Since the Linode community also includes experts on user-mode Linux, I wanted to ask the following question here:

Do modern (>= 2.6) kernels support a software suspend of a user-mode Linux instance? If so, is a patch needed? And what steps are needed to suspend an instance (is there a web page that clearly documents it)? What are some limitations? If not, how close is the kernel to supporting this? Do any of the popular Linux kernel suspend patches (including tuxonice and (u)swsusp) bring us closer to being able to suspend a user-mode Linux instance?

Any information or leads would be appreciated.

2 Replies

User Mode Linux?

~~![](<URL url=)" />

That is a name I haven't heard in a very long time.~~

Hokey religions (uml) and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster (hypervisor) at your side, kid.


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