PBX in a Flash

Trying to install piaf using this

http://sourceforge.net/projects/pbxinaf … Installer/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/pbxinaflash/files/PIAF-3.6.5-Installer/

followed instructions using fresh centos 6.5 x64, and it wont compile dahdi/asterix :(

Is there something i am missing? When I talked to sales before I ordered a linode they said I be able to but now having trouble zzz.

I am not very good with linux and trying to learn it as it one reasons I choose linode as host.

Anything special i'm suppose to do?

5 Replies

Without telling us what command you're having issues with, what you've already done, or what the error is, it's tough for us to provide insight.

  • Les

It is a script that works on fresh install of centos, it's sets up piaf semi automatically

idk the commands it is doing, it does in background and just shows output

"It won't compile, it just shows output" does not help. How are we supposed to know what your issue is?

What output? What errors? What is going wrong?

If you're not willing to do some effort and supply all the possible information no one can help you.

I done research on my own and found out it is xen kernel interfering with dahdi compiles somehow, I need to use server thru pv-grub.

This is what I need but for centos not ubuntu

https://library.linode.com/custom-insta … grub-howto">https://library.linode.com/custom-instances/pv-grub-howto

I need to use centos native kernel, not xen kernel.. that is the issue.Anyone know the steps for centos?

nvm I got it running, idiot me didn't see rest of page for centos instructions bahh, but thanks to a bit from linode support was able to get pv-grub working and got piaf setup script to work.Script had things to get latest kernel and dahdi to compile and work and ultimately asterix compiled too and everything seems well.Everything works ok, asterix is fine and sounds good.So happy to report piaf works 100% .. as long your using pv-grub.

thread solved


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