Quake2 Game Server starts but does not listen to an any port
I checked with 'netstat -anp | grep
I set it to auto start on reboot with the following cron entry.
> #this below command for q2 doesn't work for some reason. The q2server starts but it doesn't listen to on any port
@reboot /home/ts3/q2server/r1q2ded +set ip +set port 27910 +set dedicated 1 +set game opentdm +exec server.cfg +map q2rdm2 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
With the above entry uncommitted and after the host is rebooted, I immediately see the following process with pid
> ps -ef | grep q2
3664 1 1 20:31 ? 00:00:21 /home/ts3/q2server/r1q2ded +set ip +set port 27910 +set dedicated 1 +set game opentdm +exec server.cfg +map q2rdm2
However, when I copy and paste the command myself, it starts the server and also is listening on specified port 27910. I noticed the difference that the ppid is not 1 (init).
> BASH-ts3@oruvmlnd /home/ts3/q2server# /home/ts3/q2server/r1q2ded +set ip +set port 27910 +set dedicated 1 +set game opentdm +exec server.cfg +map q2rdm2 > /home/ts3/q2server/logs/opentdm-console.log 2>&1 &
[1] 4751
BASH-ts3@oruvmlnd /home/ts3/q2server# ps -ef | grep q2server
4751 4708 0 20:56 pts/0 00:00:00 /home/ts3/q2server/r1q2ded +set ip +set port 27910 +set dedicated 1 +set game opentdm +exec server.cfg +map q2rdm2ts3
4753 4708 0 20:57 pts/0 00:00:00 grep q2serverBASH-ts3@oruvmlnd /home/ts3/q2server# netstat -an | grep 27910
udp 0 0*
BASH-ts3@oruvmlnd /home/ts3/q2server#
As you can see the server is starting and listening on the right port. But only when i run the command manually, and the ppid is different.
4 Replies
> chkconfig –list | grep cron
cron 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
> chkconfig –list | grep network
networking 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off S:on
As you can see in the q2-opentdm-tourney3 script below the start command has –chuid ts3:ts3 which is user:group.
With this in mind q2server runs as the user:group specified, instead of root.
> etc/init.d# cat q2-opentdm-tourney3
! /bin/sh
set -e
start and stop the Quake II servers
test -x /home/ts3/q2server/start-opentdm-tourney3 || exit 0
export PATH="${PATH:+$PATH:}/usr/sbin:/sbin"
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting Quake II server: opentdm-tourney3"
start-stop-daemon –start --quiet --chuid ts3:ts3 --chdir /home/ts3/q2server --exec /home/ts3/q2server/start-opentdm-tourney3
echo "."
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/"q2-opentdm-tourney3" {start}"
exit 1
exit 0
Quake 2 server start command is in a shell script start-opentdm-tourney3 below, which is being called by /etc/init.d/q2-opentdm-tourney3 start.
> cat /home/ts3/q2server/start-opentdm-tourney3
nohup sh -c './r1q2ded +set ip +set port 27910 +set dedicated 1 +set game opentdm +exec server.cfg +map q2rdm2 +set logfilename tourney3-console.log +set logfile 3 +set logfilefilterlevel 4096 > /dev/null 2>&1 &'
So as a result, q2server starts when I reboot the server and it works as expected.