No 32bit option?

Just deployed a new Linode 1024, installed Ubuntu 12.04, got the the 64bit version. There wasn't an option to choose 32bit, and the Linode Manager, Rebuild offers only 64bit versions.

So I can't install Ubuntu 12.04 32bit?

6 Replies

I'm not sure why you would want 32-bit, the overhead is negligible , however I just tried a deploy and I can see 32-bit in the distribution list. Scroll down a bit?


I just tried a deploy and I can see 32-bit in the distribution list. Scroll down a bit?

Here's the complete list I see:

![](" />

Weird, this is what I see:

![](" />

Some of my nodes support 32 bits, and some are 64-bit only. Try creating another node or two. If you're not unlucky, you should get one that supports 32 bits. If you don't enjoy melting pennies, file a support ticket and ask for a migration to a suitable host.


Some of my nodes support 32 bits, and some are 64-bit only. Try creating another node or two. If you're not unlucky, you should get one that supports 32 bits. If you don't enjoy melting pennies, file a support ticket and ask for a migration to a suitable host.

I spent a penny and got lucky on the first try. Thanks for the help, much appreciated.

Huh, was there an announcement about 32-bit distros no longer being available on some nodes? If there was, I seem to have missed it.


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