Back up issue

Could anybody help me with this ?

~# rsync -ahvz root@ ~/backups/public_orig/ receiving incremental file list

rsync: link_stat "/root/public" failed: No such file or directory (2)

sent 8 bytes received 12 bytes 40.00 bytes/sec

total size is 0 speedup is 0.00

rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1536) [Receiver=3.0.9]

The directory and the error

Thanks in advance :wink:

5 Replies

You're trying to access ~/public as root, which is /root/public - this file/directory does not exist. Are you sure /root/public exists? What is it that you are trying to do?


You're trying to access ~/public as root, which is /root/public - this file/directory does not exist. Are you sure /root/public exists? What is it that you are trying to do?

I was trying the back up guide,and when run one of the commonds,it outputed this error



You're trying to access ~/public as root, which is /root/public - this file/directory does not exist. Are you sure /root/public exists? What is it that you are trying to do?

I was trying the back up guide,and when run one of the commonds,it outputed this error

No one can help you if you're not answering questions. Another forum member here likes to say: "Help us help you".




You're trying to access ~/public as root, which is /root/public - this file/directory does not exist. Are you sure /root/public exists? What is it that you are trying to do?

I was trying the back up guide,and when run one of the commonds,it outputed this error

No one can help you if you're not answering questions. Another forum member here likes to say: "Help us help you".

I was installing the rsync to build automotive back up service to linux server

and one commond output this on PuTTy ..

You still haven't answered this:
> You're trying to access ~/public as root, which is /root/public - this file/directory does not exist. Are you sure /root/public exists?

If you want to use rsync for backups you want to determine which directories you need to back-up, and then edit the ~/public bit to point to those directories instead.


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