iOS iPad Add and Two-factor auth

Hey all, I can't find the answer to this question for the life of me. I'm trying the Linode iOS (iPhone/iPad) app for the first time. I've turned on two-factor authentication for my account as well. Can I use the app if also using two-factor auth? I've tried using my token as my password and that doesn't seem to work. Is there another trick to login, or does the app need specific support for two-factor auth before I can use it?

3 Replies

The android app doesn't require a token, so I'm 99.9% sure the iOS app also just needs your password.

The only place requiring the two factor auth (if you've turned it on) is the web based control panel.

The lish console also doesn't ask for two factor token, so your account is still vulnerable to password theft via lish and the mobile apps.


The android app doesn't require a token, so I'm 99.9% sure the iOS app also just needs your password.

This changed recently. See ~~[" target="_blank">]( … wo-factor/">]( for more information. In particular:

> Since the Linode Mobile app relies on the user.getapikey() call, users with two-factor authentication enabled will need to wait for the app to be updated – we’re working on shipping that update as soon as possible.

Thanks all, I'll wait for the app update.


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