Suspicious process running under user opendkim?

I'm getting occasional alerts with the above warning from lfd / config server firewall

Uptime: 7221 seconds

Executable: /usr/sbin/opendkim

COmmand line:

/usr/sbin/opendkim -x /etc/opendkim.conf -u opendkim -P /var/run/opendkim/ -p inet:8891@localhost

Network connections by the process (if any):

tcp: ->

We're using dkim to sign outgoing mail.

Is this something to worry about - or should I add it to /etc/csf/csf.pignore

Many thanks

2 Replies

Looks like the daemon that signs your mails with DKIM. Nothing to worry about(?). Unless you didn't install opendkim ;)

Thanks - I did. I hadn't really realised I'd get alerts for everything that runs for a long period. Added to csf.pignore


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