Host 50 microsites on one box


I was wondering if it would be possible to host 50 tiny flask applications on a single server, each hooked up to a different domain. Will it break any TOS and will I be able to get ok performance with a limited number of daily views on each site?

Thank you.

2 Replies

Violate TOS? No. OK performance? Depends entirely on the application (I know nothing of Flask) and the size of linode you choose.



I was wondering if it would be possible to host 50 tiny flask applications on a single server, each hooked up to a different domain. Will it break any TOS and will I be able to get ok performance with a limited number of daily views on each site?

Thank you.

As long as each site really only has a few visitors at a time, and as long as you can fit these 50 applications in memory with space to spare, it will work.

If you are not doing anything that will get complaints (spam, cracking, illegal content) then the TOS won't bother you.


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