Linode CLI - Officially Releases (developer release #14)

Linode CLI Official Release (Developer Release #14)

The Linode CLI is the command line tool for interacting with your Linode services.

After 14 successful developer releases, we are pleased to announce the official release of Linode CLI.

Check out the official announcement in our blog post:

We want to thank everyone that has tried Linode CLI so far! Our team was excited to receive so many excellent comments and suggestions.

Everyone here at Linode would like to thank you for helping us make Linode CLI even more awesome!

What's New in This Release?
* Ability to pass the root password via an environment variable (LINODEROOTPASSWORD) or command option

  • Improved configure command

  • Support for display group in JSON output

  • Improved error handling when unable to match lookups

  • Squashed a few issues with label parsing

How to Get It

Linode CLI is currently packaged for Debian, Ubuntu, and through Homebrew on Mac OS X. Install methods are also provided for other systems. Depending on your system, you may need to install dependencies manually as described in the README.

Linode CLI is hosted on GitHub and is open source, dual-licensed under the GPLv2 and the Perl Artistic License. <– download options on the right-hand side



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