No. of nameservers problem with Linode DNS manager /123-r

Linode DNS manager sets up 5 nameservers for each domain

My domain registrar is 123-reg and it only allows me to input 4 nameservers.

Intodns and other check sites seem to think this is a big problem. Is it - and what can I do about it?

Many thanks in advance.

8 Replies

No, it's fine. 5 nameservers is better, but 4 is more than enough. Those websites are being overly careful.

On the other hand, I don't trust a registrar that only lets you enter 4 nameservers. Makes me suspect they have half-assed, poorly-designed systems they haven't updated in 10 years.


Intodns and other check sites seem to think this is a big problem. Is it - and what can I do about it?
The "problem" isn't so much the total number of nameservers, but that, due to the apparent limitations of your registrar and a separate set of limitations in Linode's DNS Manager, the authority sections for your zone do not match. One way you might be able to "fix" this is if the DNS Manager allowed you to delete any of the ns1..5 NS records; this may or may not actually be desirable, however.


On the other hand, I don't trust a registrar that only lets you enter 4 nameservers.
Likely the optimal conclusion, if any, would indeed be to move to a more sane registrar.

> Makes me suspect they have half-assed, poorly-designed systems they haven't updated in 10 years.

Well, I'm sure your suspicions are well founded 8)

It's a hassle to switch registrars though, something for the future. Thanks for the answers that it isn't a big issue for now.

I've got one that, from looking at it, allows an almost unlimited number of nameservers :)

The RFC's require the registry's list of DNS servers for your domain to exactly match what your (Linode's) DNS servers return. Having the registry list 4 and your name servers list 5 is an RFC violation. However it's not going to cause you any problems in practice.

Like other people have said here, your registrar really should accept more name servers. Four is a petty good number though and all the Linode ones look to be on different sites.

Is it ok to ask on here for an alternative registrar recommendation?

Once which could bulk change / setup nameservers would be a big time saving.


Try gandi or namecheap

I have domains with both these companies and will second this recommendation.


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