Which is the default SSL certificate?
IE on XP uses the SSL cert from Site A when trying to open Site B.
How can I get the SSL cert for Site B to be the default when 'Server Name Indication' fails on XP?
Thank you for any help.
5 Replies
If its alphabetical on my site/server name is there a way to get b.com serve the SSL cert and not a.com?
Thank you, I will investigate the default_server directive.
If its alphabetical on my site/server name is there a way to get b.com serve the SSL cert and not a.com?
It'll be alphabetical based on the filenames in your (usually) sites-enabled/ folder. If you want to prefer b.com over a.com you can name the file 0-b.com.(that's why a lot of default vhosts will be named 001-default.
I will disable 'b.com', rename the file to 0.b.com then enable this site.
Thanks again.