Linode CLI (developer release #13)

Linode CLI (Developer Release #13)

The Linode CLI is the command line tool for interacting with your Linode services.

This is our 13th early developer release of our command line tool. We're working toward a tool that will eventually allow you to interact with all Linode services.

Please help us make Linode CLI even more awesome by sending us your feedback and ideas. It is our goal to shape the tool to meet your needs.

What's New in This Release?
* NodeBalancer support (create, rename, throttle, list, show, and delete).

  • NodeBalancer port/config support (config-create, config-update, config-delete, config-list, config-show).

  • NodeBalancer node support (node-create, node-update, node-delete, node-list, node-show).

  • More robust configuration helper

  • SSH key support when creating a Linode

  • Support listing IP addresses on Linodes

  • Fix a bug with listing multiple objects

New Examples

Create a NodeBalancer in your datacenter of choice.

$ linode nodebalancer create mynodebalancer dallas

Set the NodeBalancer up to handle traffic on a port (configuration).

$ linode nodebalancer config-create mynodebalancer 80

Create NodeBlanacer Nodes, balancing the incoming traffic between your Linodes.

$ linode nodebalancer node-create mynodebalancer 80 mylinode1 xx.xx.xx.1:80
$ linode nodebalancer node-create mynodebalancer 80 mylinode2 xx.xx.xx.2:80
$ linode nodebalancer node-create mynodebalancer 80 mylinode3 xx.xx.xx.3:80

Displaying NodeBalancers.

$ linode nodebalancer list

Displaying the Nodes, which will list the Linodes handing traffic on the port requested.

$ linode nodebalancer node-list mynodebalancer 80

How to Get the Source

Linode CLI is hosted on GitHub and is open source, dual-licensed under the GPLv2 and the Perl Artistic License. This is a developer release, so for now, depending on your system, you may need to install dependencies manually as described in the README. <– download options on the right-hand side



1 Reply


This is awesome! Will it also show the ACTIVE nodes, when I list the nodebalancers? This is a big deal for me as I would like to restart nodes, that have been taken out of rotation.


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