Newbie question

Linux newbie (or new to command line admin). Followed excellent tutorial at … ing-apache">

All seemed fine. But browsing to IP address of server just shows an empty folder. Any ideas where I could have gone wrong?

I didn't see anything that would mean that the website I set up (I've not updated linode dns - was testing using the IP) would be the default website for that server - have I missed something?

Many thanks for your help. :D

5 Replies

Further to this, following dns propagation, site works fine on its domain name :)

But how can I view sites using just the IP address?

I think the answer depends on your distribution & version, and which control panel software you're using (if any).


But how can I view sites using just the IP address?
Why would you want to?

The entire world wide web uses NAMES not NUMBERS to navigate.

> Why would you want to?

The entire world wide web uses NAMES not NUMBERS to navigate.

Point taken. But it was just for quicker testing - being lazy by not bothering with the local hosts file.

It is unlikely there is a vhost setup to listen on the bare IP, so you get the default vhost instead.


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