[newbie] How to install FTP server on Redhat 9 small?

Hi, I just opened my linode account and get started. I created the RH9 small dist.

I need to install some software on the server and I suppose FTP is the way to go. I only found vsftpd on the server, but i cannot start it from the command line. I cannot install other FTP servers if I cannot upload them to my linode. What I should do?


3 Replies

You can use sftp, which is part of the ssh service already set up for you. It acts just like ftp except the traffic is tunneled through ssh.

If you are using Linux locally, you can type "sftp root@yourhost" to start an sftp session – just like starting ssh, except the binary is sftp.

If you use Windows, a decent SSH + SFTP client can be downloaded for free from www.ssh.com (free for non-commercial use).

Well this is a little late, but…

http://winscp.sourceforge.net/eng/ is a good SCP/SFTP program for Windows.

http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ is a good SSH program for windows.

Both are free for any use and they work well together.

Shd be able to start that vsftp with

/etc/rc.d/init.d/vsftpd start



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