[Solved] Exim won't send mail to my own domain.

I installed exim just now in minimal "do nothing except allow PHP to send mail" configuration.

It almost works: It routes mail just fine to every domain except my own.

"hostname" returns "northfield"

"hostname -f" returns "www.acceleratenorthfield.org"

"exim -v -bt qux@acceleratenorthfield.org" returns

> R: system_aliases for qux@acceleratenorthfield.org

R: userforward for qux@acceleratenorthfield.org

R: procmail for qux@acceleratenorthfield.org

R: maildrop for qux@acceleratenorthfield.org

R: lowuid_aliases for qux@acceleratenorthfield.org (UID 1000)

R: local_user for qux@acceleratenorthfield.org


router = localuser, transport = maildirhome

How do I get exim to use router = dnslookup and transport = remote_smtp, as it does for other domains?



1 Reply

Never mind; I found it:

in /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf

dcotherhostnames was set to 'acceleratenorthfield.org; northfield; localhost.localdomain; localhost'

I changed it to 'www.acceleratenorthfield.org; northfield; localhost.localdomain; localhost'

and that did the trick.


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