DNS Issues?

Hey there. I rebuilt my VPS server yesterday (switching from CentOS 5.10 to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS). I used Kloxo on CentOS, but switched to ISPconfig in Ubuntu, and right now my domain isn't connecting to my linode.

The domain name is: n3rve.com - I have another domain name that has nameservers set as ns1.n3rve.com & ns2.n3rve.com and that website loads okay.

I also remember that in Kloxo, I had to setup DNS templates, but in ISPconfig, I didn't find the option to do that. Can anyone help me?

5 Replies


You don't have to set up DNS in ISPconfig, or any control panel, if you set your DNS at your registrar or in your Linode Manager.

Right now if you ping n3rve.com there is no response. It cannot resolve because there are no DNS entries for it.

BTW, you dodged a bullet dropping Kloxo. We still have it on one of our Linodes and it is a royal PITA. When I get the time I'm going to migrate all our sites to one of our other Linodes running Ubuntu.


Hello MSJ,

Thank you for your reply. This is the scenario outlined clearly:

I have a linode with this IP address running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS & ISPconfig - I have n3rve.com registered at namecheap. Under Domain name server setup, I have two entries: NS1.N3RVE.COM & NS2.N3RVE.COM - Under Nameserver Registration: I have NS1.N3RVE.COM & NS2.N3RVE.COM both pointing at

With this setup, pinging n3rve.com doesn't respond.

I have another domain with nameservers set as ns1.n3rve.com & ns2.n3rve.com, the website configured for this domain under ISPconfig responds without issues. pings to get replies from "n3rve.com (", however n3rve.com is a dead end.

I have no idea what is going at this point, or how n3rve.com isn't responding but is. I hope you can clarify what I've done wrong.

~~![](<URL url=)http://i40.tinypic.com/szbuvs.png" />

~~![](<URL url=)http://i41.tinypic.com/2n16fye.png" />

I should note that my current DNS setup at namecheap worked fine when I used Kloxo.

I don't know what's changed.~~~~


Ah, you're trying to run your own name servers. You don't need to do that (you can if you want, but you don't need to).

If you run a dig command on n3rve.com ('dig n3rve.com' from the command line, without the quotes) you'll see that no name servers or A records come up.

I would recommend setting up the DNS for n3rve.com in your Linode manager for now, and then try getting your own name servers to work (if that is your goal). If you just want to get your site up then you can set up the DNS in your Linode manager and leave it at that.

We don't run our own name servers. We don't need to and we don't want to be the victim of another DNS amplification attack (the last one enough of a PITA for us kill BIND and never look back).


edited: my grammar isn't what it used to be.

MSJ, Thank you so much.

This whole DNS thing is so complicated and beyond my understanding for now.

At this point, I just want a functional site so I changed n3rve.com's nameservers to ns1-5.linode's and the site's up and functional. What beats me is why it all worked at first (using kloxo) and why responses for the other domain names have n3rve.com (, please see the screenshot:

![](" />

I'm glad everything is up and running.

Kloxo seems to handle setting up name servers better than ISPconfig, though I'm sure ISPconfig can do it (it's been years since I worked with ISPconfig). Kloxo isn't worth the hassles (or the overhead).

Best of luck with your new ventures!


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