403 Error on Pages

I installed CentOS 5.6,32bit but currently running CentOS 5.10 (I think webmin updated it?)

I installed the latest version of Kloxo and Webmin. After installing Kloxo, I setup pages and everything worked as expected. I installed Webmin and ran the update from within webmin and Webmin reports I'm running 5.10, I wonder if webmin has the power to update the entire OS?

As of writing this post, I login to kloxo with my account and create a directory under my account, I try to access it with a browser and I get a 403 page.

Any help, ideas? Thanks in advance.

3 Replies

A yum update will bring your CentOS install up to the latest point version. So ordinary updates to any 5.x will (as of now) result in you having 5.10. This is normal and expected.

Note that MySQL 5.0 will no longer receive security updates under CentOS 5. Unless you have upgraded to MySQL 5.5, I would recommend making plans to transition to CentOS 6 or 7 (when it comes out).

Sorry, can't help you with Kloxo as I'm unfamiliar with it.


Check your permissions (make sure the directory is readable by all users & groups).

Where is the directory located? Is it the main directory for your site? If so you should make sure the group owning that directory is 'apache' or it won't be accessible.


Vance, MSJ - Thank you for your help :)


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