Looking for help building a centos 6.x 32bit image


I am trying to build a new linode image . But it has to be centos 6 32bit

This is not one of the available distros in the "list"

So support pointed me to https://library.linode.com/custom-insta … stro-howto">https://library.linode.com/custom-instances/custom-distro-howto

But it is really vague once you have the virtual server created.

I have a couple of questions and maybe someone can help

1) why do i need finnix and what do i do once i have it running?

2) once i have this virtual machine create then how to i move it and install it on my linode server in rescue mode

thanks for any help

5 Replies

Out of curiosity, why can't you use the 64 bit version? Everything is moving to 64 bit.


i really wish i could, it would make life so much easier, but i have some third party binaries that will not run in 64

I apologize if I'm speaking the obvious, but 64 bit kernels can run 32 bit binaries just fine, and most 64 bit distributions make available 32 bit libraries, just for this purpose.

I'm very interested to know more, if you'd be willing to share. We'd like to know what types of gotchas people will run into as 32 bit support fades away.


wow if i could figure out how to do this in 64 it would make things so much easier

I have these bin that connect to our billing server

one of them is bmui.cgi

file bmui.cgi

bmui.cgi: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped

So when i try to run it i get from command line just to test (normally call from webserver)

/lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

Does this give you enough info?

Thanks again for your help


For CentOS, I believe you need to run "yum install glibc.i686" (or, less preferably "yum install glibc.i386"). That should get you the basics of 32 bit support. There may be other libraries your binary needs, which you can find out using ldd. After installing the above lib, what is the output of "ldd /path/to/bmui.cgi"?



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