New Linode, connection refused

Hi, i´m setting up a new linode.

I´m generating SSH Keys, but when i run:

scp ~/.ssh/ <your username="">@<your server="" ip="">:</your></your>

I get this error:

ssh: connect to host <my ip=""> port 22: Connection refused</my>

My first thought is that the firewall is blocking port 22

My Linode: Ubuntu 12.04, Apache, CSF (firewall), Fail2Ban.

I changed my port to 44444, checked CSF:



I´m logging in with Putty, and port 44444

Do you think it can be a "router/port" problem? Or any firewall configuration?

  • Can it be related to ipv6 connections?

** I enabled a Private IP address on my Linode (could it be the problem?)

*** There´s a problem with Filezilla SFTP also, i can login using port 44444, but not able to modify any files.

3 Replies

I use ssh-copy-id since it makes sure permissions are set up right on the .ssh directory.


ssh-copy-id @:

I get the same connection refused mesage.

Try Lish, when you can ssh locally inside the Linode VM then you should be able to remotely and if not then it's likely a firewall issue.


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