Linode server showing "It Works" page after file upload.

My issue seems simple, but cannot for the life of me figure this out.

Simply put, my Linode server is still showing "It Works" page, even after I uploaded a "index.html" file to the ""home/myuser/" directory.

After doing a bunch of things with Linode support, this is what they finally said:

"I apologize, I'm unsure why your virtual host configuration isn't being used. It is certainly odd that despite the changes we continue to see the "It works!" page. Please consult the community."

So, that's where I am at.

I did just try to redo VirtualHosts again, and during it, it gave me three errors which seem to be at the root of this issue:

sudo a2dissite default

ERROR: Site default does not exist!

mkdir public mkdir:

cannot create directory ‘public’: File exists

sudo a2ensite

ERROR: Site does not exist!

You guys are my only hope.

6 Replies

I should mention, there are no "public" or "www" folders to upload to on my server either, that's why I uploaded the index.html file to "home/myuser/".

Maybe that is part of the issue?

What distribution & version are you using?

If you're looking for the 'www' dir it is /var/www (at least it is on Ubuntu). There's also located at /srv/www (your Linode's 'linode' name is in that directory).

What files are in your /etc/apache2/site-available & /etc/apache2/site-enabled folders?

@Main Street James:

What distribution & version are you using?

If you're looking for the 'www' dir it is /var/www (at least it is on Ubuntu). There's also located at /srv/www (your Linode's 'linode' name is in that directory).

What files are in your /etc/apache2/site-available & /etc/apache2/site-enabled folders?

Using Ubuntu 13.10

/etc/apache2/site-available & /etc/apache2/site-enabled are both completely empty.

Wipe attempt #1.

Start fresh, install a shiny new OS.

Follow the LAMP install howto: … e-pangolin">

(I'm assuming the Ubuntu 12.04 is similar enough to 13.10 - I stick to Enterprise OS's like CentOS)

Get it to work AS SHOWN, then worry about customizing it to suit your needs.

I have no clue why you're trying to move things (i.e. web pages) from their NORMAL location.

It's not rocket science, but it is picky when it comes to paying attention to details. Keep in mind, until you're very very good with SysAdmin skills, you do things the way the computer wants, not the way you want/think the computer should work.

Yes I also got tripped up following the official docs:

but using Ubuntu 13.10 (not 12.04). The version of apache it comes with seems to do things differently.

In sites-available there is a '000-default' instead of just 'default'

It's possible to change the command to disable that instead (a2dissite 000-default) and then reload apache2, but that only changes the behaviour so that your first virtual host is served up instead. So I just left it alone.

What I have is which I use as FQDN for the server (only used as a FQDN and for SSH and the like) and ideally I'd like to just refuse to do anything (more secure) and only have served via virtual hosts, but I'm not up to speed on that yet.

You also need, as mentioned elsewhere in the forums:

 <directory "directory="" here"="">Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Require all granted</directory> 

adding to the .conf file for your virtual host in this version of Ubuntu/Apache, or you'll just get access denied errors.

You can try:

apache2ctl -S

That will list all your virtual hosts and their config files. In case something weird got configured. It would be super convenient if that command listed the webroot directories but you'll have to go hunting in the listed config files for that.

Are you sure you replaced the default index file? You didn't upload an index.php or some other similarly named named file instead did you?


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