How long for a new account to be activated?

I opened a new account about a day, saw the charge come off my credit card, but I cannot login, it just says "Thank you for completing your signup!

Your account is currently being reviewed.

You'll receive an email from us in just a few minutes, so hang tight!".

How long should it usually take until I can login? My account is quocminh .


2 Replies


I opened a new account about a day, saw the charge come off my credit card, but I cannot login, it just says "Thank you for completing your signup!

Your account is currently being reviewed.

You'll receive an email from us in just a few minutes, so hang tight!".

How long should it usually take until I can login? My account is quocminh .


For me it was pretty fast so if you've waited a day and still can't log in, then email because you've got an uhm support issue.

Did you check your SPAM folder? I used a GMail account when I signed up recently, and found that most of the Linode emails were being sent to the SPAM folder.


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