Custom Nameservers - rDNS


I'm relatively new to Linode, and DNS. I use Namecheap for my domain names. Under "Domain Name Setup" at namecheap, I have custom DNS servers set to "" & "" and then under "Nameserver Registration", I set the IP address assigned to my linode for ns1&2. Does this setup make sense? (i.e: has &

I run CentOS 5.6 and Kloxo on the box. If I register a domain and point the nameservers to &, and set the domain up in Kloxo, everything works. I'm now trying to setup reverse DNS for the default domain I have set and Kloxo argues that the domain doesn't ping back to the IP address while in fact, it does. Am I missing something?

Thanks for any help.

2 Replies

> Does this setup make sense?


I'm now trying to setup reverse DNS for the default domain I have set and Kloxo argues that the domain doesn't ping back to the IP address while in fact, it does.

Your name server is authoritative for your domain zone. it is not authoritative for the reverse zone, and we do not delegate authority for our reverse zones. You will need to enter your reverse DNS record on the Remote Access tab in the Linode Manager.

Does this make sense?


Your name server is authoritative for your domain zone. it is not authoritative for the reverse zone, and we do not delegate authority for our reverse zones. You will need to enter your reverse DNS record on the Remote Access tab in the Linode Manager.

Does this make sense?

I'm not sure I follow completely. By authoritative, you mean? I also set the rDNS under "Remote Access" to about 72hours ago, and still Kloxo argues that the domain doesn't resolve to the IP. I've rebooted too.


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