Rename Linode

Hi All,

I understand my new Linode has a name like linode4383432

How can I rename this?



5 Replies

Linode Staff

Linode -> Settings

Hope that helps!


So while we're here, I'm now interested in more anonymity (i.e. don't want them in my dns zone) for some of my linodes that I had already renamed… is there an easy way to figure out the original linodeXXXX name?

Um… the label of the Linode doesn't correspond to anything DNS-wise. That said, the original name is shown on the graphs.

  • Les

Yep. Sorry was typing too fast off the top of my head without thinking.

What I meant is how to recover the name after having set a new name for reverse DNS.

I forget the exact formula for getting the original name, but you can just do a forward lookup on the IP itself and set that as the reverse DNS.

  • Les


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