Linode CLI (developer release #6)

Linode CLI (Developer Release #6)

Linode CLI is Linode's command line tool for interacting with your Linode services.

This is our sixth early developer release of a command line tool we're working on that will eventually allow you to interact with all Linode services.

Help us make Linode CLI even more awesome! Send us your feedback and ideas so we can shape the tool to meet your needs.

What's New in This Release?
* A new configuration utility prompt, that assists collection of stored defaults

  • Improved caching, that will speed up execution time for many commands

  • Enhanced StackScript support, allowing multiple distributions

New Examples

Configure defaults for distribution, datacenter, etc.:

$ linode configure

Update a StackScript with multiple distributions:

$ linode stackscript update --label "StackScript Name" --distribution "Debian 7" --distribution "Ubuntu 13.04"

How to Get It

Linode CLI is hosted on GitHub and is open source, dual-licensed under the GPLv2 and the Perl Artistic License. This is a developer release, so for now, depending on your system, you may need to install dependencies manually as described in the README. <– download options on the right-hand side



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