Linode 8GB plan - need to clear some doubts


I am considering to go for Linode 8GB plan. As I have never used Linode before, I have a few questions. Would be glad if someone could answer them

8 CPU (8x priority) - What does it exactly mean. I read in their FAQ's that a typical Host of 8GB linodes would have 5 hosts on it and its hardware should be having 40GB RAM with a 8 Core CPU . Now if all the hosts on that machine use their max CPU's, would everyone then get guaranteed power of 1.6 cores ? And what does 8x mean?



2 Replies

Yes everyone would get a guaranteed 1.6 cores, the 8x means 8x that of a 1GB Linode.

CPU is rarely a bottleneck on a Linode, you're normally disk or memory bound first.

I think you mean 3.2 cores? The host machines have two 8-core CPUs, and 16/(40/8) = 16/5 = 3.2


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