Apache2 + MySQL separate servers using private IP

Hello All

I currently have my websites in one box at linode but the traffic is going constantly and I would like to split the Apache into one server and MySQL into another server.

What can be the best approach? Is that a better solution or I just need to upgrade to a better plan?

Thanks for your help


4 Replies

Could you address this issue by up-sizing your current Linode rather than splitting it into two?

The RAM allocation that comes with a larger Linode allows for more apache "workers" which will help your site have faster response times when dealing with heavier traffic. It also allows you to increase RAM for your MySQL processes.

Have you tried tuning your website (code, sql statements and/or config) to try to make it more efficient?

Yes, I have tried to turn the code etc… but with some traffic things are worse.

So you mean, splitting into two servers is not OK?


I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with splitting it into two server. I'm only saying it may be easier to manage one larger Linode than two smaller ones. Splitting the DB server off will have a slight impact on your site's performance.

There are benefits to having your DB server separate from your apache server (or nginx, etc). You can host multiple sites on multiple Linodes and share a single DB server. Or it can make it easier for you to use a Node Balancer in the future if your traffic continues to increase (multiple web servers accessing a single DB server).


Ok thanks for your help. I'll continue to dig around to find the bets solution for my case.



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