Not thrilled with the registration process
Anyway, hopefully the process won't take very long as I was looking forward to using my new VPS tonight. As a new customer, I really hope it's going to be smooth sailing from here on in.
5 Replies
I'm sorry for the hoops you had to jump through to get your account activated. Sadly, we deal with fraudulent signups so frequently that some type of net is required to prevent the baddies from getting in. Although we do our best to evaluate signups with the limited information provided, it comes down to a judgement call by the operator handling the signup. We try to balance the risk vs reward of accepting signups that we're on-the-fence about, but sometimes that call is conservative and legitimate customers are ensnared. We are constantly looking at improving our evaluation criteria, and cases like this are used to improve our procedures and evaluation criteria and training. I'm sorry it had to be you.
We'll look into the upload form limits.
You should be all set now. Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback. I'm in no position to pass judgement on DMV photos
Welcome aboard!
Linode has never asked me for too much information. If they did I would not be here.
I believe Linode uses a two-tier process; if the initial data trips a flag then additional data is requested, otherwise the account is opened. I expect most accounts don't trip that flag.
And the upload limit hasn't been fixed btw. My pdf was a tiny 1.4 megs… (Bizarrely, when I converted it to b&w it went up to 2.6.. so.. sigh.)
At least putting a note on the page would be helpful. I could have just broken it into 2 uploads..