Silly Questions I am Sure (MySQL, VSFTP Authentication)...

Hi everyone. Just signed up recently and trying to get my stuff up and running… I installed the RH 9 minimal, which had Apache, MySQL and PHP installed already. Set them up to start at boot, and started configuring them. I have Apache working fine, and PHP is working, but now I have put phpMyAdmin and I am having issues connecting to the MySQL db. phpmyadmin is saying that I don't have access to the db.

Basically, I am getting authentication problems connecting as root. I am a newbie to MySQL on Linux, so bear with me. When I run mysqladmin from the console as root, I get a 'access denied for user: root@localhost Using Password:NO' error.

Can someone offer some advice on what I am doing wrong? The default install has a mysql user I believe, but I really don't know where to start trouble shooting this…

Also, similar problem with vsftp. I can connect as anonymous fine, but when I try to restrict it to local users, I can't authenticate. Maybe these are related?

Sorry for the questions, any help appreciated.

6 Replies

You don't connect to phpmyadmin as root, you connect as a mysql user.

Most people install to add mysql users & other admin tasks.

I believe that if you su to the user running mysqld you become a superuser as far as mysql is concerned. You can then add a user (i.e. yourself) with full right to everything and log into phpMyAdmin using that username/password. Then go from there. Don't forget to change any default mysql account passwrods to something different than they are, just in case someone tries to log in to you mysql server.



Basically, I am getting authentication problems connecting as root. I am a newbie to MySQL on Linux, so bear with me. When I run mysqladmin from the console as root, I get a 'access denied for user: root@localhost Using Password:NO' error.

I'm getting the same thing. After setting up a panel and a billing system as well as several user databases (all using mysql from the install or form the panel) I NOW want to access from root and can't. The original default root access (never attempted until now) has possibly been modified by the foregoing installations? Using Red hat 9 small distro. Any ideas?


I do no know what you guys are using to connect to the MySQL server, but on the command line I use:

root@host# mysql -p

it works fine

Bill Clinton

OK Bill, got it. I can access those databases (created with the panel) on the command line. But can we access the default mysql database with (mysql) user root, for access to ALL databases and tables, or is that one thing we can't do on these virtual machines?


> or is that one thing we can't do on these virtual machines?

I'm no MySQL expert, but I know that the only things you can't do on a Linode that you can do on a real computer involve the Linux kernel. You can't install your own kernel, nor can you insert or remove kernel modules.

As far as MySQL is concerned, there is zero difference between running on a Linode and running directly on a real, physical computer.


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